Thursday, October 16, 2008

Boring...Damn Boring

I am super duper boring as I really no idea what to do. How? How? How? Really lost of direction of my life and colourless of my life too..But soon,I am going to colour it as I am going to start my working life. I think that time should never give me a time to say Boring..Bored.. Right? I hope so. And I wish so. At least let me fight for my life and my career. I want career and money. Money and career..I want...

And yet,I think I should able to fight for it based on my capabilities and my qualities. Haha~~ I want my expected life. Maybe more than that? Yeah~~

I rather to have a busy life than a boring life like now..everyday at home waiting drama..surfing on...etc...Haha~

Gonna mad d....

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